Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Read to Self

Here we are reading to self!!  It is AMAZING the stamina this group of kids have.  They were able to read 30 whole minutes with no breaks!  They each got to pick their own books to read during this time. Here we are! 


The next thing we learned about is informational text.  Sometimes an author will write to inform the reader about a topic.  We researched a variety of non-fiction topics and wrote a flip book to educate the class on a topic.

Reading Groups

Here you will see us reading leveled books and completing a predication worksheet.  We made predictions about what would happen next in our book.  We know that when a reader makes predictions they understand the text in a deeper way.


Why does an author write?  We learned that an author can write a book for many reasons.  One reason is because the author wants to persuade the reader to do something or feel a certain way.  After reading the book Ants we wrote our own persuasive essay.  Some persuaded to get ice cream or an extra recess.  Other students asked for a dog or to persuade people to be nice to each other.  They did an awesome job!